A stab in the dark?


Hairier than thou
[OOC: Right then I'm going to aim for one turn per week, most likely this will be done each Friday so everyone should have enough time to complete each and every turn......on we go then]

Zifnabs falling to the floor echoes loudly as Aristotle thunders home upon the door handle. It might seem a good idea that you tought him about them at some later point, if he had not fell clean through the door way.

As Aristotle lands upon a clean, cold stone floor his eyes open to the unaccustomed light of a brazier. Within the room, whch apears to be some sort of cell there are several places upon the wall. Obviously intended for chains and manacles to hold the detrainee/s in check.

There still seems little to know reason for the unexplained darkness though.

Zeus enters the room soon after, his eyes shuttering themselves against the light. There doesn't seem to be anyone in the room but the brightness could easily have given someone enough time to move into the darkness.

Straining his eyes Zeus searches the room amidst Aris' grunts as the huge half ogre hauls himself to his feet. The clatter of his armour sounding through the new room and darkness behind him.

Outside some of you note that the thunderous approach of something has stopped some 6feet from the door. Tensing yourselves arrows are pointed towards the direction of the sound in the pitch darkness, hoping against hope that you may just hit whatever it is should there become a need for violence.

The situation makes most of you feel less than comfortable. It seems as though there is no other way out of the room, either through the darkness or the dead end of the cell like room Aris' and Zeus have entered.

Straining hearing most of yu try and discern any sign of movement within the un-natural pitch darkness. All that is heard is the tense breathing of you all, Aristotles large lungs drawing more breath and drowning most of you out.

At the second door Isleth is searching about the rim trying to discern if the doorway is trapped. The oaken construction rough beneath his fingers that become clammy with dust and sweat as he rushes to make a decision rather than trying to force the thing open. The iron bars at the small opening towards the top of the door occasionally cooling his clammy fingers.

Looking to Aristotle for a moment Zeus looks somewhat anticlimatic as the brave Paladin to charge into an empty cell. At least the blasted priest didn't see him.

But Bakaris had done so. His sanctuary spell shielding him from sight he had walked along the thin line of sound emanating from the room and followed Zeus in with the aid of some careful footwork and was stood near to the centre of the room cooling his warm feet upon the cold floor. It was quite relieving after all the running around he had done recently.

[OOC: You are invisible in sanctuary for quite a while, you will become visible if you cast or perform in an offensive manner]

Bakaris is also shielding his eyes as he notes something move incredibly quickly around Zeus and over Aristotle into the darkness beyond. He noted that it was almost as though he were looking into a vertical lake of oil beyond the threshold of the door.

There is a distinct feeling that there is something or someone moving within the darkness with you all, the air seems to move about you all. No-one is certain as to who is who or which direction to even let an arrow fly in.

The only certrainty is that the no doubt large and unknown quantity beyond at the stairs has not entered the room.

Near the door Birch can hear a distinct low thrumming and smell what seems to be unwashed skin........his mind knows not what it is though.

[OOC: OK Zeus, Krissa and Aristotle (off the top of my head, sorry if I miss anyone) have blind fighting. This means you can fight in pitch darkness better than the others can given that you can hear clearly. None of you know where the others are, you can only guess........ I will get back to this on Friday]

What now?


Aristotle brushes himself down, sticks an exploratory finger into his left nostril and grunts with satisfaction as it exits, a slightly greener hue that 5 seconds ago.

He looks around and seeing noone standing in the center of the room, idly flicks his booger right near the center of the room [ooc: gottit? ;)]. He carefully examines the room from where he's standing, occasionally sniffing the air, as if attempting to decypher the stagnant air. Eventually, he draws one of the massive bolts for his ballista and, turning back to face the party in a questioning manner, he moves towards the blackness, wondering whether he should fire a bolt through...

[ooc: some advice might be useful, folks. Uncharacteristic caution from the half-ogre here...]


Full Member
(ooc: if i'm good at blind fighting, and can presumably hear well, is there any chance i can fight this thing bakaris has seen? Assuming it makes some noise as it moves?)
Zeus calls through to the darkness "Come through here. Its safe, and we cant be attacked from behind!" (The more reasonable of you might realise that this is just zeus putting the best slant on being trapped in a prison cell...). Zeus then moves to the doorway, ready to cover any retreat. If anyone wants help, or points out any enemies to him, he'll probly go and help out.


Full Member
Zifnab stumbles up again, and wanders off towards Zeus' voice. Glinting at the light inside once he's there, he takes a defensive position at one of the corners of the room, where he presumes he can safely cast any spell...

(ooc: I'll cast whatever spell I've got that could be most beneficial if anythign happens. Don't think I'll be able to read the forums all that often...)



Glad of a way out of the darkness, Kryssa heads towards Zeus's voice. She is still worried about the huuuge thing they heard from above - fighting that in the pitch dark does not appeal to her.
She steps though into the room, blinking in the light and comes face to face with Aris's ballista.
'Uhm Aris' she gulps, trying to push the pointy bit away from her face 'you need to be careful with that thing, someone could get hurt.'
She ducks underneath it and looks carefully round the room, then back out to the blackness. She has realised that it seems the only way out of the room is back through the darkness and is uneasy that the party is seperated the way it is


Full Member
Bakaris, unoticed, smiles to himself at the idiot Paladin's comic entrance into the room and decides to remain still and observe what develops. The vile ogre-spawn enters the room and Bakaris moves slowly away from the center of the room to one side, that stupid ogre's ballista scares the hell out of him!


Full Member
ooc: any chance i just heard 'something' moving in the room, and can hit it, preferably around head height? :p


Hairier than thou
Fraid the dice say otherwise mate :)

Better luck next time methinks. As for the snot though [OOC: Nice 1 pip!]......

Flicking his glob of unidentifiable remains Aristotle notices that the stuff clings to something, hovering in the air. It begins to hurt his head thinking about how this could possibly happen.......

Bakris realises that something has struck the hood upon his robe as he was moving away.......................

[OOC: Should be fun. I get the feeling Zeus doesnt like Bakaris!]


Full Member
ooc: dont know what your talking about brutus m8. Zeus is just constantly vigilant for any atacks on the party. After all, he doesnt know its a party member there....:p


Hairier than thou
It means that I rolled some dice to see if you could pick out any familiar sounds around you and you could not.........you can place a couple of people nearby though. You don't know who they are though :p


Already heartbroken at receiving no Valentines cards this year, Kryssa begins to wonder if everyone has sneaked out and left her alone in this dark room.



Legaless makes a gesture towards the burp that only a Wood elf would truely understand.

Deciding that the bow is unlikely to get used now puts it on his back and lossens scabards ready to draw from.