if anyone is playing at the moment


Mistress of Forums
Am still dropping in and out and I see a couple of others. What sort of level are your chars?


Full Member
might give it another go, I was getting very annoyed at the micro-stutters that happened, my new SSD should solve that \o/


Full Member
I still play, but at odd hours since I'm on the west coast of the US. Mostly lazily farming low mp for paragon levels & items with my witch doctor, monk or barb. At some point I may level up the wizard & dh. I'll try to remember to add you this evening & am happy to talk nonsense or help out where I can.


Full Member
I've been dismayed with it so don't play any more :(

The Secret World is holding my attention instead!


Full Member
This is totally understandable. I cannot say I find d3 to be as entertaining as d2 which, in turn I did not find as enjoyable as the original. The evolution of the genre has gone in a direction which is good, but different from that which got me interested/addicted in the first place - even tl2 and path of exile, which are both touted as 'better' d2 successors, don't tick the boxes I would like ticking - I think in some respects I'm a bit of a dinosaur here.

That said, d3 does have a really good 'mind off & farm' mode which I can enjoy in small blasts, it just takes about 500 hours to get there unless you're insanely lucky! I happened to luck out with both drops and a thrift store mentality that I would deem incredibly unhealthy :) Once you get to the 50k+ dps range and can swiftly farm low MP, rolling 1-4 legendaries per hour, or go in for the ubers, the game gets significantly more entertaining, though still somewhat lacking in real 'end game'. It is unfortunate that the amount of gametime or obscure info required to reach those heights for cheap is not readily accessible nor really appealing.. bad design I guess.

If anyone is looking to get back into stuff and doesn't mind taking bad advice on carving out a cheap but effective barb or wd build (monk feels significantly more pricey), I am happy to help out with getting folks on their feet. I can't promise it'll be your cup of tea, but it may provide a new lease of life to the game.

Make no mistake, I think that d3 is a huge miss on blizzard's part, but there are elements of what folks enjoyed in arpgs there, unfortunately they're pitched in a really strange place that will neither satisfy the super hardcore nor the really relaxed but earnest gamer.. I happen to fall into a really sadistic and dumb middle ground where the game hits a couple of good notes ;) There are lots of better games to be spending your time on for sure (xcom gogogoogogo ;)

blahblahwafflewaffleblah play with me and let me gear you for ubers plx;)


Mistress of Forums
LOL, you had much joy finding plans then or they are rare as rocking horse poo? I have found now that I have a singular char on the paragon trail if am playing her I am much more gung ho because of that damn timer! Must keep killing! tThough I keep filling up my inventory and then thinking I better get my other chars up to a level to benefit from the drops I am hoarding.


Full Member
I find a fair number of blacksmith plans, but have still only seen two jeweller plans. 1.0.7 is meant to up the drop rate on plans a bit which may help, though most of the self crafts are a bit pants (it was fun to craft items on my barb as he mowed his way up to 60 though).

Since the legendary drop rate was buffed & monster power introduced, I've been running low mp with around 315mf with 5 nv stacks & mow through elites fast enough to find a legendary or two every hour (some runs net me multiple, some none). Most of the loot is garbage still, but I'm now about 50% self found on my 3 60s (giant affix pools plagued d2 and d1 too, so I'm not too suprised by the drop rates)

I've also just discovered that the game has been dropping me a decent cm/ww wizard starter set, so I'm going to level up my wiz next and see how that works out.. at my pace it'll take a month or so and the patch will have changed everything again :)