In case you never checked the calendar...


Hernes Son
been playing Diablo whnever I can get on. Been playing Civ3 a bit and Tiger Woods Golf loads. Just got a Pirate game called Cutthroats to look at (only 4 quid budget game - looks interesting). Had a couple of goes at Dungeon Siege. Also playe a bi of Magic the Gathering. Currently looking at a thing called runescape which seems to be an UO/mud type thingie with crap graphics but a fair bit to do.
Ah but Dibble pulls me ever back...


Mistress of Forums
I know it aint all about graphics Emmon, EOB 1,2 and 3 were all very early games with 'still' shots but the gameplay was what grabbed you.I only commented because Cull said the graphics were good :)