nicely done Fanneh


Rogue Chimp
Good work old chap

For those joining, We have a small kinship set up which your welcome to join. we have most of the main craft skills covered one way or another so we can kit you out with items fairly easily.

Something to note: its not like other MMOS - you wont be finding uber gear often. Magic items are fairly rare -especially for the early levels, and they are not groundbreaking so no uber loot really. That said i know of one mob I could farm if people need mid teen items especially if you go the loremaster route.


Thx Zed. Currently stress testing the codemaster create account server..;p

Ps what are your Char names?


Rogue Chimp
Er Zedanya, Zedania and Zerran and Dimril oh and i think Ive one called Zedae as well.

Been playing a lot of Eve lately but since a few folks here are going into beta ill jump in for a few days... :)


One is not Amused
Zedania , Gravl, Medivac and Fanforran can all guild you. Ill be on as soon as I can get in, bloody newcomers we had a nice quite world till today:)