Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow....


Full Member
Tom Bombadil, nice guy and all but is Middle Earth Online going to become Tom Bombadil online? I'm guessing due to some licensing issue such like but really, have they annouced PvP in the game as yet, cos I'll be curious to see how they implement a good hobbit brawl :)


Full Member
I share the concern, Tree :( This will be the only game I will every play which will have me in awe playing it, particularly at key places like this.

Maybe they could put in stuff like him deleting peoples accounts from within the game if they use leet speak near him :)

I was collecting Robert E Howard stuff as a kid 25 years ago, but that has been so bastardised by Schwarzanegger et al I'm sure the Conan MMORPG will hold little of the same.


Ranger of the North
I just can't see why they have to do these things in the way they do. Popping off to see Tom for a biscuit and a chat is just daft. Ok I know its just a game but there's no real reason for putting him in in this way.

People playing the game who are really into the books will mostly not like it and those not into the books it will make no difference to anyway.


Hernes Son
Its implied that a lot of people did know him in the earlier ages though, I always got the impression that a lot of the Elves and The Istari had dealings with him. And the dwarves had a name for him so I'm guessing that they had contact. Also, he does seem the sort of creature to have an open house to anyone friendly. You could make a case for it.


Full Member
If he killed rude and obnoxious people I'd agree Cull,but he won't.

I certainly wouldn't imagine being visited by l33t_player_72 who storms into your house without knocking, doesn't wipe his feet, and just stands there constantly saying "Hail" a pleasurable experience for old Tom.

I imagine poor Tom is simply used as he's the cheapest to licence :( And the least written about therefore allowing the greatest flexibility.


Hernes Son
You could have him telling the unruly masses that " yes you are correct - the way to Bree is DIRECTLY through the Barrow Downs. Good evening, and do call again"


Full Member
Who cares, the real question is does Tom Bombadil drop epics, and does anyone have a good strat for him yet?