Ork vs. Necrons (Gottaa & Zed)


Full Member
Zed came round with alot of stuff, I got to see how useful a case can be, and when he said "shall I get some scenery" well I wasn't going to say no, I had to do ALOT of proxying, more than I realised, so with the following pics:
Deftkopta = Killa Kan
Wartrakks, warbike, trukk = trukk (wartrakks had rpj, bike and trukk rams)
Grotz = Lootas
Stones = warbikers

The starting rolls
I won the initiative, and we took turns in placing scenery with Zed passing on some of his knowledge about how much scenery you should see, he also suggested (which I hadn't thought of before playing along the length of the table which made is fairer, as playing the width does help orks out as you are closer and it's quicker to close the distance). We placed our units down, and Zed tried to seize the initiative and failed.

Turn 1

That's the starting positions of everything, you might not see a unit of warrior in building at then back right, or my warbikers on the far left.

I advanced my killakans up the centre, the three trukks behind them spread out a little, while the warbikers zoomed up the left side, my trukk advanced on the far right. In the shooting phase I faired well with the lootas taking down two destroyers, and everything else focusing on the scarabs (3 wounds :eek: that's evil)

Zed then rolls for his destroyers to come back and fails. He then advanced with his scarabs, moved his heavy destroyers into more cover in a ruined building, and his remaining destroyers are moved up. His heavy destroyers take down one kan, and his scarabs and warriors in the centre I think went at the kans as well, hoping for a 6 roll for automatic glancing, and with more shocking rolls with what looked like a good handful of dice didn't roll and 6's. His destroyers on the other side of the table (right looking at the photo, the heavies are on the left) focus on the trukk and as I expect the trukk doesn't fair well, but all boyz and the warboss escape in one piece ... right infront of the warriors in the building. They open fire and whittle the boys force down to 5 boyz and the warboss

The end

Not gonna complete the write up as Zed's done it much clearer than me already :)
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Full Member
OH MY GOD, blown up to size (which I'm not sure why they are) the iPhone pics really are shocking, gonna use the flip next time, or the proper camera !


Rogue Chimp
Oh yes a tip:

Dont buy dice that look like cool mint cubes. Whilst they look great people do try to eat them!