Report detailing some....


Rogue Chimp
Intelligent mobs. There starting to get it right in DDO but this sounds excellent. Captain definately gets my attention


Full Member
some nice ideas in there, a lot of it sounds like fairly standard mmo fare though. also, it sounds like its very heavily instanced? well, that can work both ways i guess.
i think the instances in wow work well (though some people think there shouldnt be any), but i think that the instance system in guildwars and DDO make it play like the multiplayer section of a single player game - like diablo 2. you all meet up in an inn, and then head off to an instance. theres no interaction in the world with people your not directly working with.


Full Member
sounds great

from the above link: "This game is so much fun to play. I had more fun in 10 minutes of play-time than I have had in a long time. I got the feeling of playing that first MMORPG again, you know, when the enemy sort of... scared you a little bit. Yeah they are ugly and all, but the fear was not in appearance, rather it was in the way they played YOU. It felt like PvP to me"