smiley test


Full Member
When you bring up the list of smilies on the left under 'get more' they are not animated in there.

:puke: :grin: :confused: :newb: :jump: :bouncy3: :chainsaw: :bouncy2: :instagib:

hmm they dont look animated there either anymore, is it just a problem I'm having or are they just not animated any more?


Tribal Matriarch dude
Well to me they look like they are : being sick, smiling, frowning, turning newbie on and off, jumping, flame bouncing, chainsaw masacring (sp?), bouncing and being shot with a gun, only ones not moving are the smiling one and the frowning one.


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
your browser isn't showing animated gifs, doubt it's got anything to do with your graphics card m8