
GoonSwarm has declared war on New Eden Research. Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.

[22:25:38] Serge Bastana > you have to be joking
[22:26:04] Breaker77 > oh this is not good at all
[22:27:29] Julian Koll > are they THAT bored already?
[22:27:35] Alexev > who is goonswarm?!!?!?!
[22:27:47] Serge Bastana > stick around and find out
[22:31:59] b00011001 > Best bet is to just not give them targets, they should get bored quickly
[22:32:08] Breaker77 > people to fight goons?? That would cost a few hundred billion
[22:32:11] Phoenix T'ril > Which is as long as they can afford it.
[22:32:23] Phoenix T'ril > So, the best strategy is to just not make it cost effective.
[22:32:24] Cpt Tabie > time to get a cheap frigett people dont give them any good kills
[22:32:28] Breaker77 > and considering they own most of the high end moons they are pretty rich
[22:35:57] Cpt Tabie > that dont sound good
[22:36:23] Breaker77 > and considering they have the size and the ISK to do it in a very short time this is not good
[22:38:01] Cpt Tabie > can always play in side learn skills and make stuff for sale
[22:39:40] Cpt Tabie > was so mad i lost my Harbringer

Hello infidels. I represent the Grand Shiekh karttoon. This alliance has been found providing research to infidel mining operations, which are in turn used to manufacture vessels used to defile our holy belts. We have now declared a Jihad on your alliance, and every POS anchored in space will be promptly attacked and destroyed in order to serve the great one in his quest to protect our holy land.

You may pay 100mil for each pos anchored up to 300mil to karttoon, as a token of support for our cause and a disgust towards your alliance activities to be spared our wrath. If your POS is reinforced, this price goes up to 3 billion isk. If you leave the alliance without paying, you will be decced and your assets will still be destroyed as we will not turn a blind eye to historical activities of a crusader.

Allahu Akbar. There is no god but Allah, and karttoon is his prophet.

[22:39:40] Knacknuss > holy shit
[22:39:45] Brudah > haha
[22:39:49] Brudah > there is your spy
[22:39:50] Brudah > lol
[22:39:55] Knacknuss > wat e-mail
[22:39:56] Alexev > OMG
[22:40:13] Knacknuss > time to leave temporarely if you have a pos
[22:40:25] Knacknuss > start jobs now
[22:40:29] C'ain Liorenal > Oh no! We've got a breach!
[22:40:34] Alexev > If you leave the alliance without paying, you will be decced and your assets will still be destroyed as we will not turn a blind eye to historical activities of a crusader.
[22:40:41] Alexev > so even if we leave they will kill my pos?!?!?!?
[22:40:42] Knacknuss > they are able to take down larg poes
[22:40:51] Knacknuss > no they cant
[22:40:59] Julian Koll > this is going to be so much fun
[22:41:09] Alexev > WHY WILL THIS BE FUN
[22:41:22] Julian Koll > well
[22:41:25] Peter VonThal > pay the Privateers to dec the goons for another week, they always maintain good efficiency vs goons and it will give them more WTs to think about
[22:41:26] Brudah > they can only get you if you stay in a corp
[22:41:29] Julian Koll > from my point of view...
[22:41:37] Knacknuss > og guys I have to shut down 5 labs for shield hardeners
[22:41:44] Brudah > you casn join noobie corp, not sure how that works for pos's
[22:41:53] b00011001 > Alex if you are that worried take down your POS, it's very simple
[22:42:04] Julian Koll > @lrc: is that the kaimon labs?
[22:42:11] Knacknuss > a large pos with shield hardeners wont be attacked
[22:43:27] Peter VonThal > maybe you should stop talking about what you are researching because there is some goon reading this chat right now
[22:53:06] Julian Koll > and you have like 24h to shut down pos, dock and just wait
[22:53:07] Cpt Tabie > thisis some wack shit
[22:53:15] Cpt Tabie > this email is unreal
[22:53:24] Cpt Tabie > fuck allah

O god this will be fun


Full Member
i love that the typical response to a war dec is the same as it was 6 years ago when i was in xetec - "omg its so unfair!" "everyone hide and dont give them any targets and hope the big meanies go away soon :(" :p


Full Member
Well, if the Alliance initiating the war is much more powerful than the one the war is declared on, that's just bullying. And most people remember what their parents tought them about dealing with bullies: It's just not worth the bother for the most part. Either kick them in the balls, which is difficult in Eve, or just don't be whereever they are. Valid strategy IMO.