What do do as a group?


Full Member
As more people are getting to the point where they can fly the stronger ships (BCs and/or BS), I have started to wonder whether there is anything we can do as a group. I keep hearing that level 5 missions are for the most part not worth the bother, because rewards shared among the group of people needed to complete them make them less useful than level 4s. However, I have heard that the higher level complexes are both great loot and great fun, but very dangerous. Does anybody have experience with pve stuff we could do in groups of 3-4 people with a BS max?


PVC Love God
Wormholes are fun and interesting for small groups of people and they can be good money too. You'll need at least one person who can probe well, preferably in a covops but other than that you can tackle them in anything from cruisers to capitals.
High end plexes require skills you guys wont have yet. Decent remote repping, cap skills and tanks.

Go on Agony PVP course, go pvp in T1 ships.


Full Member
Erm... Taii and Chicks posts seem kinda cryptic to me... Can you explain in full sentences with words of less 3 syllables? ;)

Due to my lack of sophistication with the intricacies of the english language, I am afraid the portentous statements of my esteemed capsuleer collegues failed to penetrate my comprehensive processes.


Cartwheel RIGHT
We are suggesting that going into low sec without the express intention of having your own ship explode is a bad thing (tm).

You will either Die to a bunch of pirates, die to a bunch of pirates, or get baited by, then killed by a bunch of pirates :)

Also there are several legendary low-sec systems where ratting is even more suicidal than usual. Tama bei gone. Ammamake(sp) another. Those calloused - cruel eve vets will sugest such actions as "go ratting in amma" because they suspect you haven't died enough recently.

c/d is an old eve meme. Short for "Ccnfirm/Deny". I was expecting a reply from tai along teh lines of "CCCCCCC" but maybe u mad.
But yeah, dont bother belt ratting in low sec. Dont bother ratting in 0,0. Missions are better cash. Sad isn't it....


Full Member
Those calloused - cruel eve vets will sugest such actions as "go ratting in amma" because they suspect you haven't died enough recently.

Ah, I see. They suspect right, because I have not died, ever, in Eve. I have not lost a single ship ever, either.

Maybe I should go there just to find out how dying works... ;)


Cartwheel RIGHT
Ah, I see. They suspect right, because I have not died, ever, in Eve. I have not lost a single ship ever, either.

What? outrageous. i seem to recall losing ships liek a drunk loses, um, thingies. - you know - those.. um
Memories. That's it :)

IM TOO BUSY RAGING ABOUT MY ALLIANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111


looks like i'm reactivating again :sigh: so glad i gave all my stuff away....
Maybe see you in space.


Full Member
Chick, I can give you most of your ships back. :) I have the Interceptor and its weaponry packed away because I cannot use the ship yet and I have kept one of your BCs in prime condition. :)

I made one BC into a salvage boat, though. ;)