A couple of questions


Trial Member
Ok just wondering who still plays d2 hc, any of you still in normal, What channel do you all hide in when not gaming and finally does anyone know my password to me account. The could be a prize in it for ya if you answer the last question correctly.


Tribal Matriarch dude
Yup, there's
Mark,(dies a lot so is often to be found in normal:p)
Alan snr,(dies almost as much as Mark ... see above)
Alan jnr,(gets fed up easily so is usually available to stand around doing nowt)
Eddy (sometimes, poor bugger has to WORK!)
Tom (who tends to play open games until he needs a quest doing)
Cull, (who has been very unlucky in his MF runs I suppose as he has never asked us to mule the *uber* stuff he has found.)
Ee-na (saying NOTHING about why he dies a lot... MANA SHIELD!)
Alf (quiet sort of lad sneaks around looking for empty clan games!)
Emmon (yeeeeeeeaahhh ermmm )

And of course myself , who gets soooo annoyed with people sometimes that I have a level 63 CD2 King:p

ATM (08:00 2nd June 2002) as far as I know noone died yesterday so there aint a lot of us in normal... but then if you play tonight nor will you be:)
We tend not to hide in channels, we hide in games add us to your friends lists and you can hunt us down.

No idea about the password though sorry.


Full Member
Yep, clvl 95 Amazon Died on Friday and thanks to the magic of D2x's game balancing (and a bit of a nudge form the Lees) im back in hell diiff with a lvl 73 Guardian...


rip mark

i dont hide in empty games jane just no one joins :)


Hernes Son
Well Jane I have not had more than a bunch of blue items of any of them, Meph, Pindle et all. Could be down to the fact that Mozzie only has 37% MF but im trying to get better mf gear from runs so that I can get better all round gear from runs :)


Full Member
OK, OK!!! I'm getting bloody mana bloody shield! All I can say is this one better last beyond lvl 78 or I'm gonna sue you for...err...mis-advice...err or something :p