branded a thief



merc had his acount password changed tonight he whisperd his password to every one on friends list.
every one thinks its me i aint no thief clan games are all gone server is well no more said.
if you see eny of my acounts online it aint me gave them all to merc.
ime gona wait for new patch new acount name ect ill post new acount when i make it cya all then i hope :(


Tribal Matriarch dude
Hiredmerc, an old time GBR-1 er who actually trialed for Clanuk but in the end wanted the freedom to pk/do naughty things if he wanted to, over all a good lad.However alf if he was silly enough to whisper his p/w to everyone then he should have expected it to "go missing".


told him that eny way done now new acount is obi-1 :)
nice fresh start no rushing taking it nice and slow :)


sorted it seems hes not the only one having acount taken then put back 4 more people have had the same problem says password is wrong then a day or so later they can get back in to acount seems our friend b-net is having some problems or are they.
i was told he couldent use his acount as b-net had baned his cd-key for him using map hack.