downtime extended


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
Patch Deployment May Be Delayed

While monitoring the progress of the patch deployment, a database issue came to light that we felt was important to address as quickly as possible. In order to ensure the best quality patch possible for our players, the estimated time for the downtime has been potentially extended as we correct that issue. Restoration of service could happen as late as tomorrow afternoon but may be as soon as this evening. Please watch the MOTD and our website for more information as it becomes available.


Trial Member
but but according to evemon there are 16 lucky pilots currently playing.

I would patch the client and see whats what but I don't want to take the risk. Having to explain to my IT/other directors how I trashed my computer running EVE would lead to serious sense of humour failures .


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
They've now removed the line "Restoration of service could happen as late as tomorrow afternoon but may be as soon as this evening."

Probably because that's the worst service restoration message EVAR :p

Corwin, are you getting mining withdrawal? :)