Hellgate: British Museum


Rogue Chimp

The Emperor is a pain in the butt. Nuff said.

General question though, do the mobs each have their own resistances?


Full Member
think i just anchored, and stabbed the sod to death, along with all his little buddies.... though granted, that may not be an option for classes that a) dont have anchor, and b) dont regenerate life for having more enemies attacking you :p


Full Member
I ran them round the circular stairwell. Helps to have weapons with splash damage I think so you injure more then just one at a time.


Full of PvP Goodness
i used 2 focus spell thingies... 1 fire 1 (purple....) he died 1st time

i was lvl 6


Hernes Son
Yeah, was a piece of piss with Summoner, demon and 3 fire elementals. Got 2 decent handguns mind. The whole thing seems a tad easy so far, no doubt It'll get harder, Not actually died yet.


Full Member
was pretty easy as my engineer too. just opened up with my 2 blue/legendary bolters, while my drone soaked up the damage.


Full Member
regarding difficulty though, it might well be deliberate - that the basic game is fairly easy, and gets much harder on elite/hardcore etc, as diablo did. we'll see i guess. so far i'm finding certain fights harder for different classes (for example, my guardian has issues with shock husks, because they stun him so much. but my engineer wastes them at range, but some of the boss fights take ages, because he doesnt dish out so much damage)

edit: my engineer's coming into his own a bit more now. got a sniper rifle that'll one-shot most normal enemies, and causes some hefty damage to bosses too - especially combined with the rather nice Beacon ability.
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Cartwheel RIGHT
i'm finding this release significantly harder than beta, though that could jsut be my general ineptitude. still too much fun. maybe if i stopped charging rooms full of zombies shouting "yeah, you want some of this" on my bm things would go smoother?


Hernes Son
Hive guns seem wicked, fires off a swarm of green bees that expands as it goes - lots of nice AoE damage. And am currently using a plague rifle that fires blobs of green that expand in to a cloud at contact - great to fire on to the floor of an area where you know there are lots of critters and can seriously weaken them afore you charge in :)