I have nothing further to say than


Full Member
Just myself ... by the last attack of the last guy on the last level on the last difficulty, after Alan, Jane, Tom and Mark had spent hours of their time trying to get me to making hell hamburgers :)

Boy, was my face red!


Tribal Matriarch dude
In his defense it wasn't avoidable that I could see.
We went to kill Baal on hell (Jad a level 38 by this time:p)
went down into the room and I stood guard trying to kill the festering appendages, while the other high levels ran off to kill Baal. Unfortunatly we knew poor old Jad couldn't stand 1 hit from the things, so when another lot appeared he ran behind a wall, only to get hit by the cold arrow thing from Baal himself, instant dead:p

Ah well there's always tonight luv:)


Full Member
bout time you showed your face in HC too Mrs Elf, i feel as our illustrious boss your are biased towards the minority SC community, and whos that minger in your little picture?


Full Member
Ah Picty wouldnt dare coming over to Hc... In fact there's no point even saying it, as she just wouldnt dare... Ever :)


f00l Mebmer
well my level 48 durid is rather happliy staying alive at the moment!
just waiting for a BT cut off lag death to sneak up on me


Full Member
thats rich coming from Mr Stand in town, Spam people playing HC, and issue threats to me on sunday.

And dont you actually have to have piers to apply pressure to them? Unless there are people other than yourself in that sess pit of a bedroom you inhabit i think you are pierless..

and is that how you spell pier? that looks to me like the spelling of the 3 things they have in blackpool.

btw all.. did you know that if you type /squelch *emmon as soon as you enter battle.net you are guaranteed to have a Windforce,Grandfather and Shako all spawn in the next game you make, you just have to kill the right beastie or open the right chest ... its troo honest :)
go on..at least give it a go


Full Member
its only monday you gibbon :)

or do the vocationally challenged work on a different calander? :)


Mistress of Forums
I dont care if I do happen to be a LPB I still aint playing HC.
I genuinely dont mind dying and I feel it would cramp my style having to stifle my homicidal impulses.

Oh yeah, what do you mean you dont recognise the bint in me piccie!


Flacid Member
Well I'm with Picty.

And the bint, as you put it, is Calisto - Xena's nemesis. I know this only because I watch Xena for its historical relevance. For the record let me state quite categoricaly that I do NOT fancy Lucy Lawless. I do not worship her Amazonian physique. I do not think that if she was an American president that she would be Baberaham Lincoln. She is not even remotely drop-dead-gorgeous. Not at all.

...Is it hot in here or is it me? (sorry for paraphrasing you Freeze m8!).

So there. :)


Mistress of Forums
Hmm I prefer Xena over Gabrielle.Callisto's outfit is nicer then Xena's and I have always liked Callistos evil smile/laugh.


You stupid boy

Nah I still don't like xena, got nice/wierd eyes :)p) I'll give her that tho (and only that)
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