Level 3 Missions...


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member
Set your autopilot to avoid low sec systems mate, it'll give you a safer route. I wouldn't advise moving your stuff through low sec.

I used to fly my ships one by one between agents, but not in my pod though, I'd drop off the first ship and then dock my pod into another station and get a newbie ship, then fly back in that.


Full Member
In that case I better pay attention to where the missions are going to take place. I am based in 0.7 sec space with my new agent. I hope he doesn't send me too far away to really dangerous space. My reserves are going to be very low after the hurricane is done.


PVC Love God
To answer some of your questions:

Traffic advisory means that the system is busy and you may experience lag in the system. If it's very bad there may be a queue to jump through the gate.

Lowsec: As the others have said avoid lowsec in a mission ship if at all possible. If you do have to travel through it then DO NOT AUTOPILOT. You won't have bubbles on gates but you may get gank squads. There are sentry guns but no Concord. It's possible to tank sentry guns, so a well fitted ganker can lock you down and blow you up without sacrificing his ship.

Transporting multiple ships: If you're only moving small ships (frigate class) then you can fit them and most of your other crap in an industrial. Otherwise you can either fly one there, then fly back for the other in your pod or put your other ship on a courier contract and get some schmuck with a freighter to haul it for you. If you've not built the other ship yet though it makes more sense to fly the one you have there, then buy the rest of your fleet at the other end. Unless you have rigged or rare ships, I'd do it that way.
Some are, some moved to various PvP alliances but everyone mingles in the CUK channel still. The corp got cleaned up a few months back of inactive people when i needed to re position the PoS.