Looking for pvp Corp that accepts newbies.


Full Member
A german friend of mine has started Eve and is still in the trial stage. He has been playing for a few days or so and has received some cash from me. He is looking for a pvp corp that accepts newbie. Anybody know any good corps?


Full Member
I can't imagine a few day old account is going to be much cop in pvp (prob need a couple of year old account if being realistic about serious pvp?)


PVC Love God
I can't imagine a few day old account is going to be much cop in pvp (prob need a couple of year old account if being realistic about serious pvp?)

That's not true at all. Fearless newbies flying ships that are practically free are one of the best things a fleet can have. Finding out early on that losing ships is no big deal is probably the most useful PvP skill to learn. There are a lot of PvP corps who accept new players, his best bet is to trawl the German Eve-O forums or lurk in the ingame recruiting channels and see who sounds like a good match.

Edit: Last time I took out a corp roam was just after our last recruitment drive. We had a bunch of guys with less than 2m SPs and about 4 people who'd been playing for a while (including me). We killed a 400m isk ship with a gang that cost less than his fitting did. Most of the guys in that fleet had never shot at another player before. Check out all those T1 frigates.


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hell, look at goonswarm :p (well, a few years ago.)

but yeah, new players in baby ships are fine for pvp - sure they wont be slugging it out against dreadnaughts and titans, but they still have their uses. and if you can annoy people enough that they use a titan to doomsday you, then just remember - it cost them more to kill you than your ships are worth :p