Mission Strategy?


Full Member
I am kinda wondering how you lot tend to approach the way you complete normal combat missions, how you decide who or what to shoot first. I am not entirely sure whether the way I approach things is all that effective, so I would like to hear how you do that.

Generally, I fly ships with Artillery and reasonably long range. So I usually fly towards the enemy until I am at a range that affords me a reasonable chance of hitting them (usually optimal plus falloff x 1 plus a little more) and stop completely. I start off (in lvl 3 missions) by targeting the frigates, as I can usually destroy one and sometimes two with a single salvo as long as they are not to close. This is supposed to rapidly reduce the incoming damage. If the frigates get too close to hit I send my drones after them. If I destroy them before they get in range, I repeat the strategy with Cruisers. Once Cruisers are within optimal range, I tend to turn around and fly away while trying to keep them around max optimal range.

Most stuff doesn�t last long enough to bother with orbiting or things like that.

So what do you think? Valid strategy? Dumb strategy? What can I do to improve? I am getting kinda nervous with level 4 missions around the corner, so I want to be as prepared as I can get. :)


PVC Love God
Generally speaking for L4s I killed all the frigates first to make sure that there was no chance I'd get scrammed and unable to warp out if needed. Then I'd kill turrets* then battlecruisers, then battleships and finally finish up anything left over.

Battlecruisers are targeted before battleships because they die fast and kick out a lot of DPS so you can reduce the incoming damage by a lot pretty quickly.

Note that in L4 missions you'll tend to find that NPCs are organised into groups and you generally aggro these groups independently so you can deal with each separately rather than having to tank the whole stage.

For salvaging the best way is to let stuff get close to you and kill it at short range, that way all the wrecks will be concentrated in one area. Some L4 missions are pretty big with widely spread NPCs and flying between them even in an afterburning destroyer can take a while. You need good tanking skills though to do that reliably. You'll also find that it's hard/impossible to remain at long range because a lot of NPCs are much faster than you, also if you're kiting then you'll take a long time to get back into position for the next group. The strategy you described will be very slow and not particularly effective.

*Shooting turrets however often aggros everything so be careful with that.