

Hernes Son
had a little go, 14 day trial, loving it so far. Am doing the tutorial agent missions and found myself stuck 100000 jumps from home. Cant find a way to get there so am starting again :)


I tak ur cheerioZ
Sounds weird :) I've never heard of anyone being bumped miles away before, must be one of them bugs


Cartwheel RIGHT
best bet would be to get yourself killed (pod-killed) or self destruct, or soemthing, then you'll re-appear back at the start station.

harsh though.

Oh, hang on....

are you miles away "distabce wise". The default map settings are to "avoid stations where a podkill has occured". These are not always in low / dangerous space (in the case of war targets.)

Turn that off in Map properties (F10 -> Autopilot settings) , and examine your route.


Full Member
its probly just trying to avoid all podkill locations - and that just aint possible. so its got itself confused.
alternatively its a weird bug that i've never seen/heard of before.


Full Member
Are you sure it's not some sort of wierd autopilot bug. I've heard of something simular. Go into options and turn off the check 'don't use systems that someone's been pod killed in the last X hours'

Maybe hit the re-compute route button too.



Hernes Son
Yep that worked a treat, all sorted :)

Can anyone offer any advice about the missions? I have done the tutorial agent mission and completed the tutorial. So the original agent sends me to another who wants some dead guy revenged (I am Amarr). I warp in to the traininfg sector and there are 2 banks of red crosses and one single red x (the leader). I take out the two banks of subordinates very easy , barely get a scratch. The the boss bloke takes out my shields in 2 hits followed by armour in 2 or 3. My weapon barely damages him. lost one ship, but managed to warp back to space station limping on subsequent trys.

The ship im using is the first frigate up from the noob ship, which has enough slots for 3 cargo bays, 1 gun and 1 mining laser, and shield generator.

any tips?

Tia Kingtiger

in spaaaaace!
Ditch the minging laser, remove the cargo bays and replace them with armour upgrades. Ditch the shield gen and replace with an armour repair unit. Ammar can't shield tank because they use all their cap for weapons. But they have lots of low slots that are useful for armour tanking.

If you can't afford that lot then just ditch the minging laser and cargo bays (they slow you down and aren't really needed) and get another weapon.


Full Member
Attracted to trying this out again, as an ultra casual gamer being able to train offline sounds worth a look. Been pootling along in the trial, but just got an agent mission (tutorial) that sends me to take out a number of 'gubradi?' pirates.
I end up, following the waypoints to an area with 8 'pirithi?' pirates who proceed to pod me every time.
Am I taking this mission ahead of time and do I need to upgrade my ship from the starting ibis for this?
Oh and another noob Q - how do I get into another ibis once back in the hanger? Looks like I have 2 sitting there now after - repackaging or buying?
Doesn't look like I have the skills just yet to get a new ship.....still working my way through the training.

(finding this soo complicated! lol)

Tia Kingtiger

in spaaaaace!
You should be able to get a better frigate very quickly.
Is the mission you're on called "Worlds collide"? If so, yes it's very hard, you're meant to run through the gates rather than fight everyone. Even so it's hard and you may be better off giving up on that mission and living with the rep hit.


Hernes Son
3 days trial left for me and I am having serious reservations about buying it. Main pain in the bum is the time sat twiddling thumbs while the ship travels. In 2 hours tother day I got 3 missions done - rest of the time was taken up warping, slowing down, speeding up, warping, jumping etc. I really like the rest of the game but the slow traveling is a pain.


Cartwheel RIGHT
I kinda quit on the travel / courier missions myself. For similar reasions as you jsut stated. thjough aspaprently with a good set of 'instas' they speed up. Taaii can fill you in on them.

Though courier misions are cool for keeping in touch with the wife / going hosuework etc :p

Tia Kingtiger

in spaaaaace!
Trick is to have other things to do while travelling, browse the web, chat to mates.

If you want more action missions, go for an agent who works for the security division of the corp. They pretty much give out 100% kill missions.


Hernes Son
I dont really want to be paying to chat to mates or browse the web though, and a lot of the kill missions that I'm being given are 2 or three systems away. Still in two minds, though I'll probably buy it and play the 30 days free - if I decide not to continue after that, the money wont have been wasted, as its not an expensive game :)


Got Wood?
Things can improve though cull , my current ship a Viator that i use for courier missions turns to warp in about 6 secs takes maybe 10 secs to warp to a jumpgate or station and when i put the afterburner on travels at 1900 m/s so covers the 15 km in less than 10 secs.


Hernes Son
The Coercer I just bought can take a lot of extras so I can beef that up on the flight side. Rest of the game I am enjoying immensly though.


Full Member
I recently got into a Caldari Ferox, Max speed of 160m/s, its pretty much torture having to fly towards mission objectives and such but making a few Insta bookmarks helps hugely, Always keep a shuttle handy if i get the odd courier mission while doing kill missions (technological secrets part 2 etc). Has 2 turret hardpoints i use for Tractor beams aswell :D

I find browsing the market and looking over my skills helps pass the time when having to fly around alot.