
This blow is nothing short of staggering, and it would not be surprising to see the ISK toll into the trillions, and translated to real money, tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets and manhours lost.

Last i heard, estimates were at $150k + from lockdown personal and corp assests along with stolen ships, moon mining PoS's offlne/blown up. A freighter the other night was popped witha ful hold of ferrogel which is nearly 100 billion ISK ($4500).


Full Member
I'm not actually playing this at the moment. I run multiple accounts and the fact they charge only in Euro's is a bitch, with the exchange rate.


Full Member
If that is what happened and were I in the situation of being a (ex)BoB director, I would find out the RL details of said individual (no doubt someone knows them anyway ), and pay for the fecker to be sodomized with a chainsaw.

Ultimately I see this as a design flaw as no one man should be able to do what he did.

I also can't stand the whole - meh I want a change so I'll go and play with the opposition, what you won't have me? Well I can't be arsed working out another way to enjoy myself "By the way this other individual I control is a director".

I'd love to see EVE with a single account mechanic if it were workable.


Hernes Son
Surely that is a misuse of alts and therefore cheating? In the game his 2 alts are separate entities right? So his second alt would have had no way to acess the controls inside BOB to be able to do what he did. I'd argue that by utilizing the account this way, he as a person has done the dirty deed and not his characters. If his second alt had gone on to infiltrate BOB and rise to directorship and then do all this I'd see that as legit, but he hasn't - definite cheating in my book.
How is that cheating? His alt's fairly irrelevant here, looks like he just wanted to go play his alt for a bit, then when he got turned down as his alt was "dirty", he offered intel to be let in. Goonsquad saw an oppurtunity here, and took it, getting him to do an insane amount of damage as he left. Kudos for the plan, but it's not as cunning as some seem people seem to think, just a massive oppurtunity for Goonsquad. They were basically given BoB on a silver platter. :)


Full Member
How is that cheating? His alt's fairly irrelevant here, looks like he just wanted to go play his alt for a bit, then when he got turned down as his alt was "dirty", he offered intel to be let in. Goonsquad saw an oppurtunity here, and took it, getting him to do an insane amount of damage as he left. Kudos for the plan, but it's not as cunning as some seem people seem to think, just a massive oppurtunity for Goonsquad. They were basically given BoB on a silver platter. :)

The dirty taste is caused because he went with his alt and then brought in his main to do the deed.

In roleplaying it's meta-gaming.

Had he gone with his main and done the whole thing from there without the first contact being with his alt I likely wouldn't feel like he deserves a visit from a lumberjack assassin.
*shrug* I just don't see how his contact being via an alt makes any difference. Him actually doing the actions is the biggie, surely.
I see players as players, I don't expect people to play their different characters as completely seperate entities. No-one does that.


Full Member
*shrug* I just don't see how his contact being via an alt makes any difference. Him actually doing the actions is the biggie, surely.
I see players as players, I don't expect people to play their different characters as completely seperate entities. No-one does that.

I did when I was playing Neocron :)


Full Member
people consider alts in eve to be the same entity as the main. you couldnt say 'oh yeah, my mains in an enemy alliance, but dont worry, i promise to play them as seperate characters!'
if you want to view it in roleplay terms...
he wanted to betray bob. he sent a highly trusted freind (or 'alt' as we call them) to make contact with the enemy - he could hardly go in person. his alt acts as the go-between to arrange everything.


Full Member
people consider alts in eve to be the same entity as the main. you couldnt say 'oh yeah, my mains in an enemy alliance, but dont worry, i promise to play them as seperate characters!'

Well to be honest I wouldn't tell them I had an alt which would take that off the table wouldn't it ;)

he wanted to betray bob. he sent a highly trusted freind (or 'alt' as we call them) to make contact with the enemy - he could hardly go in person. his alt acts as the go-between to arrange everything.

You could but it just doesn't come across that way in that run down above.

It doesn't sound as though he wanted to betray BoB from the get go it just fell that way as soon as he found out getting into the other side would be a PITA.

I found EVE to be one of the better RPing environments to be in because of the games nature. It is a living universe that chops and changes.


PVC Love God
Ultimately I see this as a design flaw as no one man should be able to do what he did.
It is possible to set up your corp with a shareholder scheme where any major change requires a quorum of shareholders to sign off on it. Almost nobody bothers with that however as it's a huge hassle to administer (shareholders quit or go dormant etc) and there's the possibility of your enemies getting hold of shares too. So most corps and alliances make sure that the most trusted guys can do everything by themseoves so that if stuff needs doing it can get done.

I'd love to see EVE with a single account mechanic if it were workable.
It's not and it wouldn't have prevented this episode anyway, the player wanted to defect to the opposition and if he had one account or ten he'd still have been able to do what he did.

This isn't cheating, if the account had been hacked or the guy had been tricked into doing htis somehow then it would be different. As it was he wanted to dump all over BoB and he did it all ingame and legitimately.


Full Member
It is possible to set up your corp with a shareholder scheme where any major change requires a quorum of shareholders to sign off on it. Almost nobody bothers with that however as it's a huge hassle to administer (shareholders quit or go dormant etc) and there's the possibility of your enemies getting hold of shares too. So most corps and alliances make sure that the most trusted guys can do everything by themseoves so that if stuff needs doing it can get done.

Not sure of the shareholder mechanic and to be honest not that sure on limits for directors but major decisions should require a board vote. Is that in game?

It's not and it wouldn't have prevented this episode anyway, the player wanted to defect to the opposition and if he had one account or ten he'd still have been able to do what he did.

This isn't cheating, if the account had been hacked or the guy had been tricked into doing htis somehow then it would be different. As it was he wanted to dump all over BoB and he did it all ingame and legitimately.

Not sure actually as having a single entity for your whole playing time (unless you delete) would certainly change the way people consider their actions.

From what has been presented above it looked like the player wanted to try the other side and thus went with an alt. It's minor but if he had gone with his main and made the offer and then pulled this off I would have less issue with it.


l33t g1bb0n
Staff member

That was published by themselves though, not by teh ebil hackarz!!!! :)

I'm in two minds about this.... they could have set it up differently so that more people were required to take it down.... or they could have just expected people in the "real world" to not see their arse for no good reason and take down everyone else�s long fought for work just because they had the ability to do so....

To me it's like giving someone access to the CUK admin section and them getting bored and deleting all members. We're a community, it would be a betrayal. Just because someone fell out with X, Y or Z or got bored wouldn't be an excuse I could accept.

The fact that EVE has fucked up game mechanics doesn't really excuse the people playing it from having fucked up minds. I'm a big believer in personal responsibility and all I see in this case is selfishness on top of maybe some arrogance and poor planning in the case of the people that set up the alliance. So selfishness, arrogance and betrayal then..... Woo.
Indeed. It's an epic do-over, but there isn't anything particularly impressive beyond the scale of it. Fair play to Goonsquad for seeing how to maximise the carnage, but it was pretty much given to them on a plate.

And as for the ex-director, meh. I can imagine the train of thought involved...
Oh, you wont let me in, well I have t3h sekrits! Oh, you want me to delete the alliance and then you'll let me in? OK, they wouldn't let me have the puppy I wanted for christmas, screw them.

No really in the same league as the spy clan who spent a year or so infiltrating a clan in order to take them down. :)