EVE Online



I'm park of a large UK Corp called er. UKC. If anyone wants to join give me a shout..... UK players only and we are at war with Red Alliance.


Cartwheel RIGHT

I've just started playing this on trial with a few RL friends. Cheers for the poitners in the thread :) i'm really quite enjoying the game so far. really weird starting hour after WoW, but it seems plesant enough,a dn the userbase are a refreshign change from bNet kiddz (and Merly)

Currently Outitting / trinaing up to get full use out of my lovely Minmatar Rifter, it's teh sex, adn took a suprisingly short amount of ime to save for.

Anyone else still going & likely to be around?


Got Wood?
Im around a bit as Earnan [ dont get that much time for games at the moment ] i dont do much except keep the training going and the odd run in my Iteron 4 to raise some cash but i hope to be playing more later in the year .

Yep its good to be Merly free, but be warned Tai is around .


I have been playing this for quite a while now...who else is playing this, or would like to?

If we have the numbers, we could start up our own UK Corp. I have a lot of contacts with other big Corps to get us invites to raids etc, but for the most part we could be sorta self supporting. In any event we can get involved in some of the Alliance raids.

If your interested shove yer name down, and state if you prefer PvE, PvP, trade, escort, mining, research etc... Even we have six or so regulars, at least we could get some regular groups going.

I know some will say you need to be part of a large corp to get anywhere, but I can get us invloved with regular PvP battles in 0.0. with larger Corps, and I'm sure I can maintain a link with my old Corp.

Shove yer name down and I will form a Clan UK Corp if there is real interest. Even if there isn't the interest for our own Corp, we could do some stuff together.

(Eve - Rozel Bay)

Ps game is free to download with a 14day trial


Not grumpy
Its a 7 day only trial now.

Any suggestions as to what would be a good start up race and bloodline.

Id like to keep my options open but tend to trader but not easy meat in a scrap.

Id like to do something other than pure combat.


Full Member
I liked my Gallente, good with drones and higher stats in some areas which meant quicker training at the start. I think in the long term it doesn't matter as everyone can learn everything. Was a good trader/miner and held his own in fights with drones and the right weapon layout. Tosh with missiles though, if you want missiles best to start with a race that's more combaty.


Full Member
quick rundown of the races....

caldari. capitalist society. missile whores, with ecm backup and railguns.
gallente. democratic. use blasters (anti-ship shotguns) and drones.
amarr. religious freaks and slavers. use lasers and general brute force.
minmater. ex-slaves, tribal, relatively primitive. use a combination of speed and projectile weaponry (howitzers, autocannons), with missile backup.


If we have enough people interested, how about we start things off with a social mining op one evening and start collating some basic resources?

Even if we only have a couple of miners, and a couple of frigs running escort/keeping the rats of the miners it would be a start.

If your interested post if you would prefer to mine or escort, and see if you can skill up accordingly.

If we do start our own Corp, we can arrange for an office and warehouse at an agreed location to store the resources and rat loot. In any event we can chat during the op.



Full Member
i can try and come to a little event like that. i'm not patched at the moment, but need to soon anyway to do skills. i can bring.... almost any caldari ship thats not capital, and quite a few of other races too. need to find out if i'm in empire war though, as i wouldnt want you folks in the middle of one of my alliance conflicts.


if anyone is online i have started a a clanuk chat room called ..er clanuk


Got Wood?
Im afraid i dont get online till nearly midnight this time of year simmo so didnt get a chance to speak to you in game .


Cartwheel RIGHT
Simmo said:
If we have enough people interested, how about we start things off with a social mining op one evening and start collating some basic resources?

Even if we only have a couple of miners, and a couple of frigs running escort/keeping the rats of the miners it would be a start.

Not 100% sure what i'm going to be doing, apart from blowing shit up :grin: I tried mineing once (in the tutorial) and almost died of boredom.....

- Will make things go boom for cash -
(Char name Iteken Hotori)
Aye, that's what put me off Eve in the end. It's more fun if you get into a good guild, and can chew the fat, or make escorted convoy runs into 0.0 space, but it's still shooting rocks. :D

There are other ways of making money, but until you get big bucks for trading, mining's still the best way of getting cash and resources for new gear.


Full Member
I found the best way to get cash was combat missions, once I'd got a bigger ship mining became more profitable as I could store more in the hold as I mined (and as my mining skill improved I did it faster).

Tip 1:
Goto and asteroid field, fly 15km past it, set a waypoint there
Warp back to the station, go 15km past it, set a waypoint there
Now between those two points you jump straight into the asteroid field, mine, jump to station and dock immediately. It also means you can sometimes jump in, mine and get out before the pirates turn up if you don't fancy fighting.

Tip 2:
Find the right place to sell, I found in the end the unrefined ore was for some reason netting me more money than the refined result and the difference was quite large.

Hearing people talk about it does make me have pangs for it, but I found combat just so amazingly dull and mining was just a way to relaxingly pass the time. I think if the controls were not all point/click I'd feel more involved with it. If enough people appeared to make a Clan UK company I might pop back for a bit to say hi and have some fun, but I'll watch and see how things turn out if you do get something started or regular trips organised.

Course I'd probably need to spend the first day back moving all my bits and ships to where we would be based (travel while realistic is dull when going a distance, which I guess makes it all the more realistic)


Cartwheel RIGHT
set waypoint.
have bath
pray you don't get podded ?

io'v found the courier / basic missions are pretty handy for kitting-out cash, with side-trips to asteroid fields to frag pirates for bonuses if you have plenty of time. Mining must be v.lucrative then ?