Ooh Elder Scrolls V


wolf in sheeps clothing
I keep them in the chest by my bed in my house. Dragon bits are used to make armour later in the game and you can make either heavy or light armour with them.


Cartwheel RIGHT
You use the dragon bits in dragonbit crafting. You need 100 smithing, so unless you are gonna do that, then don't bother.

Until i bought a house, i just kept everything in a barrel in a random "cleared" outdoor location. It seemed to stay there.


Rogue Chimp
restarted today. Focusing on mage/bow with cunjourations and distruction :) level 10 and not died yet even though im wearing a dress


Full Member
You use the dragon bits in dragonbit crafting. You need 100 smithing, so unless you are gonna do that, then don't bother.

Until i bought a house, i just kept everything in a barrel in a random "cleared" outdoor location. It seemed to stay there.

lol wierd, game said not to do that, "just incase" I just use my NPC as a donkey, its more fun. Lydia snuffed it though, teach her for eating a fireball for a giant.


Full Member
Its fun seeing how other people are playing this. Im not telling mine! Still not had a crash though, my comp isnt special by any means, it's still running the Windows 7 Beta.

Spotted it in Asda for �30 today if anyone gets tempted. Cheaper than online.


Rogue Chimp
whiterun. speak to the councellor in Dragonsreach. Cost 5K + 2K (split) to decorate fully


Full Member
i think some of the crashes are graphics related. ok, i'm on linux so i'm speshul and my card is only a 260, but still. i can make it crash by turning up graphics settings and the crash log from wine had graphicsy complaints in it. for reference, i get no crashes at all with wow. i reckon they'll probably fix these if they patch it.

does steam just magically apply any patches? not really used it before.

i get the odd crash on exit but i just spaff those with the "close" doodad.


Rogue Chimp
Right now ive just dinged 11. Im still on my way to the greybeards but keep getting asked to help by various villagers and what not. (Currently mopping up Ivarstead - though ive just finished the cave and got another quest to do from that)

now im focusing purely on destruction, conjuration, archery and sneak as my main combat skills using the Fire Atronach and my housecarl to help me in combat im pretty much safe. The silly girl gets in the way a lot though.


Full Member
Taking my time and got to L13, with a Nord 2H / magicky type.
Not the best combo really, so thinking of re-rolling :D

I wish they would let you accept or refuse quests though, as I have tons of side quests that I'd delete if I could.

Oh and bears! wtf!! I can kill dragons easy with a harsh stare, but more than 1 bear at a time kicks my arse, lol.


Cartwheel RIGHT
now im focusing purely on destruction, conjuration, archery and sneak as my main combat skills using the Fire Atronach and my housecarl to help me in combat im pretty much safe. The silly girl gets in the way a lot though.

I've made a RP choice (omg lolrp nowai!) not to use any summoned creatures or helpers. I find with 3/5 sneak (about 60 skill) and lots of bow talents, you can assassinate entire caves, after stealing all their possessions.

How much effort is levelling conjuration ?


Full Member
I've made a RP choice (omg lolrp nowai!) not to use any summoned creatures or helpers. I find with 3/5 sneak (about 60 skill) and lots of bow talents, you can assassinate entire caves, after stealing all their possessions.

How much effort is levelling conjuration ?

Interstingly I'm doing Zed's spec too, and also have troubles with the bears... I had an interesting bug last night where none of my firebolts were costing no mana (or the mana refresh went through the roof) whilst fighting a dragon. I then went and blew the snot out of everything in a nearby dungeon how much fun!

Conjuration is a little hard to raise, to get to 25 quick just cast capture soul a lot (may be castable on non agro town npc's too).


Professional Slacker
My latest character is sneak, archery and destruction too. I love shooting people in the neck and then frying them when they come running towards me.

Thinking of levelling conjuration as I believe you get a bound bow spell.

I found conjuration incredibly easy to level on my Battlemage char. Cast bound sword, walk up to a mob and instantly get a point in conjuration. Not sure if it's a bug or not but sure seemed like it.


The Nice Chimp
i solved my crashes by changing my sound setting on my machine, since then i went from 1 crash every hour to no crashes


Full Member
Also going for no summoned creatures or helpers. Working out okay so far, only just had my first dragon fight so early days, though.

i solved my crashes by changing my sound setting on my machine, since then i went from 1 crash every hour to no crashes

What sound settings did you change?!

I'm going Restoration and Alteration (I love the +mana regen and self sufficiency/endurance to be able to sort it when it goes pear shaped and defensive and utility spells), Destruction for DPS (instead of archery or weapons, so not reliant on kit).

Of the 50 Perks you can sensibly plan for, I'm thinking of :

� Alteration : 11 perks
Novice Alteration
Alteration Dual Casting
Apprentice Alteration
Mage Armour x3
Magic Resistance x3
Adept Alteration

� Destruction : 13 perks, ? 15 perks
Novice Destruction
Destruction Dual Casting
Apprentice Destruction
? Augmented Flames x2
Augmented Frost x2
Augmented Shock x2
Adept Destruction
Deep Freeze
Expert Destruction
Master Destruction

� Restoration : 6 perks
Novice Restoration
Restoration Dual Casting
Recovery x2

� Enchanting : 8 perks
Enchanter x5
Frost Enchanter
Corpus Enchanter
Extra Effect

� Lockpicking : 10 perks
Novice Locks
Apprentice Locks
Quick Hands
Adept Locks
Golden Touch
Treasure Hunter
Expert Locks
Master Locks

This leaves me +2 perks, I'm not sure if I'll need them in Enchanting, if not I'll ramp up fire damage in Destruction.

Anyone got any advice on anything I'm cocking up?


Cartwheel RIGHT
Horses > Gravity
Tha's all.

Oh also - is it worth taking points in Lockpicking, really. at 19 i have just sold >100 lockpicks, and have no problems opening master locks with ~5 picks, with a 30 skill and the Thieves +lockpick gloves.


Your opinion is worthless....
Not played this sort of game in years, decided to give it a whirl, it's farking amazing! playing a duel wielding fighter who also does a bit of healing upto level 13...

two questions, if you accidently misplace a point can you get it back?
and how do i a buy a house say in whiterun?

one other thing the game sometimes qtd's on me is this a known bug?

ooh and one other question where do i find the skyrim.exe within steam? need it so i can use my g15 to control the volume ;-)


two questions, if you accidently misplace a point can you get it back?

Nope. Reload from an old point.

and how do I a buy a house say in whiterun?

Err, one of the dudes in Dragonreach.

ooh and one other question where do i find the skyrim.exe within steam? need it so i can use my g15 to control the volume ;-)

In my case it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim

Pegasus Belgar

Red Bull gives me wings!
Lvl 20 and made myself a full set of Dwarven armour. I found Lydia pretty hopeless in lower levels, but now I gotten use to her wierdness i.e taking the long way round when there is clearly a path in front of you she not all bad. Still trying t work out what armour she is wearing as the only thing she will put on is a helm, and given her a elven 2HD and a elven bow.
Also using Conjuration and have a flame elemental as playing on expert I feel I need it at times for the distraction.
Went on a dragon killing spree lastnight killed 3 from known locations from my previous travels when in less and protective gear.
House is fully decorated in Whiterun, store pretty much everything in the chest in the bedroom.
It is an amazing game and graphically gorgeous in everyway, the only thing that is bugging me is the CTD, can happen with 5 hours of play or 10 mins, so I got into a habit of saving F5 every few minutes. I tried the sound fix but didnt make any difference.
There is a patch coming after Thanksgiving I hope this fixes the problem as SWTOR beta and world of tanks world perfectly fine.